Saturday, October 20, 2012


Today was one of those days where I didn't feel like doing much of anything but lay here in my bed. It could be due to the fact that I have a bit of a fever... and maybe because it's one of those days where I don't have much motivation, which is one of the worst feelings. While doing nothing today, I decided I complicate things way to much. So I need to uncomplicate and enjoy the simple things in life. I have so many simple blessings that I take for granted every moment. Counting your blessings really does make all the difference.

Being Grateful Will Make Us Happy

"Mercies and blessings come in different forms--sometimes as hard things. Yet the Lord said, 'Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things' (D&C 59:7). All things means just that: good things, difficult things--not just some things. He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. This is another evidence of His love."
I am grateful for...
-My incredible parents                                     

-Family vacations: I got to spend 4 days at DISNEYLAND with my family! I am grateful that my Dad works hard so we can do fun things like his as a family

-My taste buds that let me enjoy fried chicken, popcorn (I eat at least one bag of popcorn to myself 3 times a week), grape juice, goldfish, and grapes.
-My sweet nieces and nephews. It was so fun to see Lincoln and Sydnee this weekend. Amelia and Steven and the chunks live on the air force base in California now.
-My phone and computer
-Books! I have a new love for books. I never used to love reading, but now that I am picking good books I love it. My new favorite book= Les Miserables. I am finally reading the HP books and loving them. On the 3rd book. I am also reading The Continuous Atonement.
-The Spirit. I have never been so grateful for it. I didn't have it for awhile in my life because of the choices I was making and I am so grateful to have it back.
-The Atonement: I learn more and more about it every day. I am so grateful that the Lord has not given up on me and I can repent everyday.
-My Job
-Doctors that can help me with my depression and anxiety.
-My sweet angel mother. She is the most Christ-like person i know. She goes with me to every single doctor appointment and patiently sits through them.
-Lullabies. I believe you are never to old for lullabies. Whenever I get the chance i have my mom tuck me in and sing to me. It is so comforting.
-My baby blanket and Baby Jesus doll. The baby blanket is from my Grandma Forbes and the doll from my Grandma Adams. I sleep with them every night. And I don't care how ugly you think my doll is. I love him.  They are totally worn and old but that makes them more special to me.
-Repentance: I have never used it so much in my life.
-My journal. Seriously, I love writing in it and i always have. My mom started me young. When i was five i would tell her what to write and she would write it exactly. Its so fun to look back and I want to do this same thing with my children.
-Eternal Families. Grandpa John passed away last month and it was a touching experience. It is so comforting to know that i get to see him and Aunt Jill again:)
-The strength the Lord gives me everyday.
......and i am happy because i am grateful.


  1. LOVE this and LOVE you. What a good reminder.

  2. This blog is a tear-jerker and I love it-and you! You are definitely our chubshine.
