Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i'm alive

to my great number of 29! followers, please accept my deepest of apologies not blogging for quite some time now. I was inspired to start blogging again when looking at Alexa Leydsman's blog. I love it and she is so great. And while talking with mads she encouraged me to start again. It feels good, but i do have the blog jitters. I get scared over the strangest things. I think blogging intimidates me because i feel as if a blog is a competition against all the other blogs. But hey, I am not going to look at it that way anymore. Here is a lil' run down of my life.

  • My brother jacob is engaged!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!! Is beauty of a fiance is Megan Del Toro. He could not have chosen anyone better. She is simply amazing. And they are just lovely together. I cannot wait for her to be in our fam. She fits right in. Not to mention they will make beautiful mexican babies. I am glad we are adding more ethnicity into the fam. The date is the infamous 4/20. Hitler's day of birth AND National get stoned day. What a romantic day. FUnny and ironic thing is they didn't realized this until after they set the date. What dorks.
  • Mad and i are doing it. We are going to NYC! In less than a month! We have our plane tickets and all. Most of the time i can't keep myself contained, i think about it all the time, and at the worst of times. Such as in the middle of class, or at the library, or during an important church meeting. I even made up a dance in honor of NEw York and broadway. Maddi adores it. It includes jazz kicks, a jazz square and a little belly moving. Might i add once again that she loves it. but i am grateful that mad chose to stay here at Dixie. She seriously saved me. Thanks gurrrrllllll.

  •  I am currently going to DSC. Taking my CNA, Anatomy, Labs, Guitar, and Sociology. My favorite is my Anatomy lab. Why? Because of the cadavers we get to play with. I love that i can just pick up a brain whenever i feel the urge. It's great. I am trying to make more friends and i feel like it is going pretty well. I went over to a new friends last night for crepes and they were delish. We ended up talking for a bit and i loved it. Also, Kortney Jones is a great person. I am glad that we have become friends these last two semesters. She is an example to me. 
  • I love hiking. Mad and i are trying to go every week. I have always taken STG for granted. It is simply gorgeous. The red mountain is probably one of my favs. I love angels landing too. My next hike... Observation point. Yes! OH i want to do it soo bad. 

  • I am going to the singles ward and am lovin it. I love my ward. I don't know how we get so lucky. First Elder Oaks, then Elder Bednar. It was incredible. The spirit that was there was amazing. I love the church. I bore my testimony last week and it felt so good. I was so comfortable up there and it felt so right. I have so much to be grateful for! 


  1. Yay for 1/2 mexican babies!!!! I love them! yay for you blogging again! Yay for going to New York with my bessstie! Yay for making this comment as obnoxious as possible! Yay for DSC! Yay for you're dance (it's a love hate relationship) yayzzzzzz!
