Sunday, November 18, 2012

You make me happy when skies are gray.

Things that bring happiness to my life as of late.

-The temple. Seriously how lucky am I to live so close to this beautiful place?! I went three times last week and I love every minute of it. I am so glad that there a place to escape from the world.

-Facetiming with the Miles. I sure do miss them. Sydnee can walk now! And Lincoln is in a gymnastics class. They are growing up way too fast. Amelia is a cute lil Young Womens leader and Stevo is working at a clinic on base.

-Pitch Perfect. Probably my new favorite movie. Also, I found my new love, Skyler Astin. Take a gander.

-Getting hypnotized and making a fool of myself. It is the strangest feeling. It's like you are in a dream and you are totally aware of everything but you couldn't care less. Apparently I was Britney Spears, got in a fight with a tongan 5 times my size, sat on a few fellas laps, and fell in love with an audience member. 

-Watching Grammy read to Liesy Bean.

-Spending time with those I love. Kimball took me to dinner this past week. I love watching movies with my dad and watching him laugh. I really enjoy watching Eliza when she has laugh attacks as well. Babysitting Elise and getting to play Barbies and paint with pudding. I also really enjoy pulling pranks on emme. My latest and greatest, soaking her bra and putting it in the freezer.

-Getting pictures of them.

-Not shaving for a long time, then shaving. It feels so good and the outcome is so heavenly and smooth.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Findings and Realizations of the 21st.

I found this beauty at the DI for 5 bucks! (Excuse my hairy arms.) I forgot how great that place is. Lexie and I bought 10 VHS's there for 5 bucks! One of them is "Ten Things I Hate About You" which is one of the greatest movies. 
  • I love my necklace purchased at Disneyland. Has a cute "R" and a lil mickey mouse at the top

  • My "writing bump" continues to grow as i write in my journal way too much.
  • I haven't talked to Garrett in 3 weeks. Wow. It has not been easy. But I am doing it.
  • I really should read my Patriarchal Blessing more often. I found some great things in there today.
  • Find the good in others! This is something i realized I don't do enough. 
  • I realized I don't know enough about the Atonement. 
  • and the biggest realization.... This may not make sense to most of you, but it will to my closest friends which are probably the only ones reading this. So you know my anxiety I have? The really annoying and stupid one? Well, today i realized that on our family vacation it didn't get to me for 3 straight days!! That's big news considering it has been with me for 12 years. WOOHOO!! I am so incredibly blessed.
and that's all folks.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Today was one of those days where I didn't feel like doing much of anything but lay here in my bed. It could be due to the fact that I have a bit of a fever... and maybe because it's one of those days where I don't have much motivation, which is one of the worst feelings. While doing nothing today, I decided I complicate things way to much. So I need to uncomplicate and enjoy the simple things in life. I have so many simple blessings that I take for granted every moment. Counting your blessings really does make all the difference.

Being Grateful Will Make Us Happy

"Mercies and blessings come in different forms--sometimes as hard things. Yet the Lord said, 'Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things' (D&C 59:7). All things means just that: good things, difficult things--not just some things. He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. This is another evidence of His love."
I am grateful for...
-My incredible parents                                     

-Family vacations: I got to spend 4 days at DISNEYLAND with my family! I am grateful that my Dad works hard so we can do fun things like his as a family

-My taste buds that let me enjoy fried chicken, popcorn (I eat at least one bag of popcorn to myself 3 times a week), grape juice, goldfish, and grapes.
-My sweet nieces and nephews. It was so fun to see Lincoln and Sydnee this weekend. Amelia and Steven and the chunks live on the air force base in California now.
-My phone and computer
-Books! I have a new love for books. I never used to love reading, but now that I am picking good books I love it. My new favorite book= Les Miserables. I am finally reading the HP books and loving them. On the 3rd book. I am also reading The Continuous Atonement.
-The Spirit. I have never been so grateful for it. I didn't have it for awhile in my life because of the choices I was making and I am so grateful to have it back.
-The Atonement: I learn more and more about it every day. I am so grateful that the Lord has not given up on me and I can repent everyday.
-My Job
-Doctors that can help me with my depression and anxiety.
-My sweet angel mother. She is the most Christ-like person i know. She goes with me to every single doctor appointment and patiently sits through them.
-Lullabies. I believe you are never to old for lullabies. Whenever I get the chance i have my mom tuck me in and sing to me. It is so comforting.
-My baby blanket and Baby Jesus doll. The baby blanket is from my Grandma Forbes and the doll from my Grandma Adams. I sleep with them every night. And I don't care how ugly you think my doll is. I love him.  They are totally worn and old but that makes them more special to me.
-Repentance: I have never used it so much in my life.
-My journal. Seriously, I love writing in it and i always have. My mom started me young. When i was five i would tell her what to write and she would write it exactly. Its so fun to look back and I want to do this same thing with my children.
-Eternal Families. Grandpa John passed away last month and it was a touching experience. It is so comforting to know that i get to see him and Aunt Jill again:)
-The strength the Lord gives me everyday.
......and i am happy because i am grateful.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Miss her

This past week I have really been missing my bestie, Maddison Alta Frei. We have been through thick and then. She has rescued me time and time again. Like the time when I thought I was going to get raped, mad you know what I am talking about. She has always been there, even when I have been a complete bih.
Ten reasons why I miss mad:
1. I miss how much she likes to eat, don't take that wrong. We both love to eat. We have the greatest time eating together.
2. I miss when she gets the giggs.
3. I miss stalking hot boys with her
4. I miss going to NYC with her.
5. I miss playing the guitar with here and losing it because we can't play and sing.
6. I miss watching drop dead gorgeous with her
7. I miss doing tradesies with her
8. I miss doing jigs with her.
9. I miss HBL.
10. And finally I just miss her beautiful face!
This post was totes cheesy but I do t even care. Love ya mads!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

i'm a new soul.

I have begun a new chapter in my life. I moved up to the 801, Provo! woohoo. I am still not sure how I feel about the move because it was so sudden and quite unexpected. And I don't do well with large adjustments. But i know that it is the right thing for me right now. Everything has fallen into place. I live with my brother Jacob and his gorgeous wife, my sister, Meg! I know, newly weds. It has been quite the experience. But now she is doing summer sales so it is just me and my bro. Quite the party. The first few days here were quite crazy.

  • The first day here, I got a boot on my car. There goes 50 bucks that i surely don't have..
  • The first night, the electricity didnt work. I love showering in the dark. AND to add to that the whole apartment smelled like cat pee. mm yes. 
  • I went to donate plasma. Ended up spending my day there. When the phleb went to put the needle in my arm, he could no longer find my vein, so the digging began. 
  • I have learned that I am an awful driver. Ran a red light and almost got in three crashes. 
But not all of my new experiences have been bad. It has been great and I am so blessed. I am so lucky to have so much family and friends up here already!

  • Went to the Spiral Jetty. This place is so beautiful! 
  • Hiked Mt. Timp with the newly weds
  • Went on a group date. Had dinner and had a fire in the canyon. 
  • Watched a load of Gilmore Girls
  • Watched the first season of House in one day
  • Floated down the river with Em and saw a beaver!
  • Found my FAVORITE ice cream. Superman!!! 
So far, it has been an adventure. I am learning a lot. I am so blessed

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i'm alive

to my great number of 29! followers, please accept my deepest of apologies not blogging for quite some time now. I was inspired to start blogging again when looking at Alexa Leydsman's blog. I love it and she is so great. And while talking with mads she encouraged me to start again. It feels good, but i do have the blog jitters. I get scared over the strangest things. I think blogging intimidates me because i feel as if a blog is a competition against all the other blogs. But hey, I am not going to look at it that way anymore. Here is a lil' run down of my life.

  • My brother jacob is engaged!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!! Is beauty of a fiance is Megan Del Toro. He could not have chosen anyone better. She is simply amazing. And they are just lovely together. I cannot wait for her to be in our fam. She fits right in. Not to mention they will make beautiful mexican babies. I am glad we are adding more ethnicity into the fam. The date is the infamous 4/20. Hitler's day of birth AND National get stoned day. What a romantic day. FUnny and ironic thing is they didn't realized this until after they set the date. What dorks.
  • Mad and i are doing it. We are going to NYC! In less than a month! We have our plane tickets and all. Most of the time i can't keep myself contained, i think about it all the time, and at the worst of times. Such as in the middle of class, or at the library, or during an important church meeting. I even made up a dance in honor of NEw York and broadway. Maddi adores it. It includes jazz kicks, a jazz square and a little belly moving. Might i add once again that she loves it. but i am grateful that mad chose to stay here at Dixie. She seriously saved me. Thanks gurrrrllllll.

  •  I am currently going to DSC. Taking my CNA, Anatomy, Labs, Guitar, and Sociology. My favorite is my Anatomy lab. Why? Because of the cadavers we get to play with. I love that i can just pick up a brain whenever i feel the urge. It's great. I am trying to make more friends and i feel like it is going pretty well. I went over to a new friends last night for crepes and they were delish. We ended up talking for a bit and i loved it. Also, Kortney Jones is a great person. I am glad that we have become friends these last two semesters. She is an example to me. 
  • I love hiking. Mad and i are trying to go every week. I have always taken STG for granted. It is simply gorgeous. The red mountain is probably one of my favs. I love angels landing too. My next hike... Observation point. Yes! OH i want to do it soo bad. 

  • I am going to the singles ward and am lovin it. I love my ward. I don't know how we get so lucky. First Elder Oaks, then Elder Bednar. It was incredible. The spirit that was there was amazing. I love the church. I bore my testimony last week and it felt so good. I was so comfortable up there and it felt so right. I have so much to be grateful for!