This past week I have really been missing my bestie, Maddison Alta Frei. We have been through thick and then. She has rescued me time and time again. Like the time when I thought I was going to get raped, mad you know what I am talking about. She has always been there, even when I have been a complete bih.
Ten reasons why I miss mad:
1. I miss how much she likes to eat, don't take that wrong. We both love to eat. We have the greatest time eating together.
2. I miss when she gets the giggs.
3. I miss stalking hot boys with her
4. I miss going to NYC with her.
5. I miss playing the guitar with here and losing it because we can't play and sing.
6. I miss watching drop dead gorgeous with her
7. I miss doing tradesies with her
8. I miss doing jigs with her.
9. I miss HBL.
10. And finally I just miss her beautiful face!
This post was totes cheesy but I do t even care. Love ya mads!